Win Win — Бюро Переводов в Москве



Express notarized translation
of documents for relocation purposes

Express notarized translation
of documents for relocation purposes

Order a notarized translation from home

Order a notarized translation from home

Closed borders are not an obstacle for communication!
Simultaneous interpretation in Zoom

Closed borders are not an obstacle for communication!
Simultaneous interpretation in Zoom

We can do anything!

We can do anything!

We can work with any materials, including specialized texts, translate to over 100 languages and provide notary services.

Flexible approach

Flexible approach

We meet our clients halfway and they always come back. Win-Win



Which means high quality, responsibility and punctuality

We are easy to work with

We are easy to work with

Order, pay, receive. Personal manager is available 24/7

Our clients
Large companies trust us
Бюро переводов WinWin осуществляет профессиональные, нотариально заверенные переводы для юридических лиц и корпоративных клиентов. Комплексное лингвистическое сопровождение бизнеса и мероприятий.


Translation services
Нотариальный перевод документов
Апостиль и легализация
Interpreting services
Смежные услуги
Translation of foreign personal documents Translation of russian personal documents

Contact details

Основатель Бюро переводов
Konstantin Gologrudov
Founder of Win-Win Translation
, leading simultaneous interpreter in Korean and English.
15 years of working on the highest
state and corporate level.
Команда Win Win
Our team of professional translators who know their job. Our goal is to help find a common language with a person from anywhere in the world - professionally, efficiently, mutually beneficial, in other words, Win-Win.

Popular services

Translation of personal documents with notarization

We translate passports, diplomas, certificates and other documents with subsequent notary certification of authenticity of the translator’s signature.

Популярные услуги

Apostille and consular legalization

We validate your document abroad with an apostille issued by the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of internal Affairs, Register Office, Ministry of Education or legalized by the Consulate

Популярные услуги

Remote simultaneous interpretation (RSI)

We will organize and provide simultaneous interpretation at your online conference, presentation, webinar or negotiations via Zoom or remote interpretation platforms.

Популярные услуги

Legal translation

We translate contracts, agreements, corporate charters, acts, power of attorney, decisions, certificates, statements, customs declarations, court documents of any volume and complexity.

Популярные услуги

Urgent translation with notarization "in an hour"

When there is no time to explain and you needed it done “yesterday”.
Super fast translation of standard documents with notary certification.

Популярные услуги

Feedback from our customers


Excellent localization of our Upcast Avbooks and Upcast Carbook apps.

Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation

Thank you for the services in organizing simultaneous and consecutive interpretation during the Winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi

Quickly translated a scientific article on blockchain and cryptography. I was pleasantly surprised to find competencies in a highly specialized IT field. A special feature – they work including completely online (both ordering and payment).



Excellent quality, everything is on time. I use their services both for personal purposes and for business. The best translation company of all with whom I have worked.

CLT Language Centre

CLT Language Centre

Page in a social network

Thank you for the apostille services. Record terms! Clear communication, polite employees, responsibility and efficiency.

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Отзывы о нас:

About us

> 200
certified interpreters
15 years
of working at the highest state and corporate levels
> 495
successful translators
2 offices
in Moscow and plans for further expansion
Translation is like a game of puzzle: only the correctly chosen words form sentences, sentences, which express meaning, meaning leads to understanding, and understanding leads to partnership. We are the masters of this game.

Win Win Translation Services is one of the most professional and rapidly developing translation services companies on the Russian market. The rich experience of the company founders, who are well-known interpreters, the usage of the best practices and customer focus are in the very DNA of our company.

We have proven ourselves to be a reliable provider of translation services in B2B due to a qualified and close-knit team, flexible system of project work, the principles of accuracy and punctuality which we follow.

We also feel at ease in the B2C segment and a unique software that we have developed ourselves helps us efficiently manage the orders, as well as advanced technology and approach in business management. All this results in the development of the network of offices.

Our team consists of over 200 interpreters and more than 495 successful certified translators, editors and native speakers in addition to our staff members. We have over 15 years of experience working on the highest state and corporate levels. Every member has a specialized education in translation and often has additional specialized education, which helps in understanding even the most difficult areas of work.

We work with all languages, and at the same time we dominate the market of rare and Asian languages, so if your interests gravitate towards the East, we are the best partners for you.

Why are we cool?

Our translation services company is your multi-specialized service providing full range of services:

• translation of personal, official documents and any legal, marketing, medical, financial, IT, technical texts;
• related notarial services: notarization, apostille, consular legalization, etc.;
• interpretation: from consecutive translation during negotiations up to the full organization of simultaneous translation at leading and especially responsible events in the country and abroad;
• audiovisual translation: transcription of audio and video into text, translation and superimposition of subtitles, synchronization by professional speakers and native speakers.

We can do the impossible:

It's easy for us to get an apostille or a certificate of record (no record) of convictions and (or) criminal prosecutions for you in 1 day!
• We apply the best practices and advanced technologies: CAT tools, we maintain MT databases, software for titles, a set of modern equipment for simultaneous translation.
• Flexibility and courage – we scale to any task without inflating the budget. • We do not lose anything, it is convenient, simple and fast with us: efficient processes and CRM.

There are no impossible tasks for us. We have over and over again found solutions even in the most difficult situations, and our customers appreciate it. Challenge us!

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