notarizationTranslation company Win-Win knows all about a correct execution of translations and assignation legal validity to them in Russia and abroad. Our long-term work experience is a guarantee that the process of notarization, copying, apostillization and provision of other related services will be nice and well.

Our notary services:

1. Certification of translation

The most popular service among our clients. This is notarization of a translator's signature. Such translation gives a document legal force on the Russian Federation territory. Therefore, if you go to public authorities, universities or private organizations, you may need a certified translation. Here are a few more cases where you might find certification useful:

  • when a foreigner wants to study or work in Russia;
  • when a citizen of the Russian Federation travels abroad to work or study;
  • when marrying a foreigner;
  • at all stages of obtaining Russian citizenship.

Notarization may be required not only for personal documents translation, but also in the case of:

  • conclusion of international deals;
  • export and import of goods;
  • when opening branches of foreign companies in Russia or registering legal entities.

Our employees also know standards for translation of seals and signatures . Therefore, when placing an order with us, you do not have to worry about quality and formatting accuracy.

2. Notarized copy

This is to confirm a true copy by a notary. If a document is large, for example, an employment history, and you need a copy of just a couple of pages, this action is called a "notarial extract".

This service is often confused with notarization. Sometimes clients ask a notary to certify a Russian-language document, for example, a police clearance certificate. However, it has already been issued by a government agency, and has legal force per se. It turns out that a client means a notarized copy.

Peculiarity is that to certify a copy or an extract an original document is required . There are also a number of cases when a notarized copy is not required, we recommend you to read the article Notarized copying for review.

This service is used for a variety of purposes:

  • conclusion of a marriage contract;
  • issuing a loan or mortgage in a bank;
  • conclusion of contracts;
  • making of one's will and in other cases.

3. Apostille

is placed on originals, notarized copies and notarized translation of a non-commercial document. This is a stamp that gives a document legal force not only in Russia, but also in all countries that have signed the Hague Convention on the Mutual Recognition of Apostilled Documents. It is necessary for:

  • marriage abroad;
  • admission of Russian citizens to foreign universities;
  • admission of foreigners to russian universities;
  • getting a temporary or permanent residence permit;
  • complete of powers of attorney and in other cases.

Getting apostille is a painstaking process, so it should be entrusted to specialists. We have prepared a special section where you can find out all details.

4. Consular legalization

If a country is not in the list of the signatories to the Hague Convention, then consular legalization is needed to give the document legal force on its territory. If you want to:

  • conduct business activities in a given country;
  • participate in foreign tenders;
  • find a job abroad;
  • buy property abroad

or in some other cases, you need consular legalization. This, like apostille, requires a lot of time and effort, as well as visits to several institutions at once. We are ready to visit them all for you, as we know the procedure well. Read more in our section of consular legalization.

No need for notarization?

If you do not need to provide an official notarized translation, then we are ready to affix it with our company seal. This free service comes in handy when:

  • getting a visa;
  • using a translation for internal purposes of a company;
  • checking into a hotel abroad;
  • and in other cases.

The seal of our company indicates that the work was done not just by a person who knows a language to some extent, but by a member of Win-Win Translation Company professional team. You can find more information here.

If you are in a hurry

Translation company Win-Win can provide all of these services much faster than standard terms. We are ready to perform urgent translation with certification, urgent translation for legal entities and urgent apostille. We will help you with any kind of certification within any terms you need!

Examples of our work

Notarized passport translation example
Notarized passport translation example
Notarized passport translation example

Notarized passport translation of a citizen of the People's Republic of China


Translation services
Нотариальный перевод документов
Апостиль и легализация
Interpreting services
Смежные услуги
Translation of foreign personal documents Translation of russian personal documents

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Feedback from our customers

Quickly translated a scientific article on blockchain and cryptography. I was pleasantly surprised to find competencies in a highly specialized IT field. A special feature – they work including completely online (both ordering and payment).



Excellent quality, everything is on time. I use their services both for personal purposes and for business. The best translation company of all with whom I have worked.

CLT Language Centre

CLT Language Centre

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Thank you for the apostille services. Record terms! Clear communication, polite employees, responsibility and efficiency.

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